Monday, November 7, 2011

Word Puzzles

As some of you might have noticed, there is a new gadget on the left side column that is titled "Word Puzzles." To clear up any confusion, here is how those word puzzles work...The puzzles are literal interpretations of cat-related words. Some examples of common words and the explanations are listed below.
  1. Lamotherw-the answer to this puzzle is "Mother in law" because the word "mother" is "in" the word "law." Here is the puzzle again, but split up so that you can see the answer... La-mother-w
  2. Another example (though it cannot be shown here) would be if the word "head" was on top of the word "heels." This puzzle answer would be "head over heels."
  3. T
    H This puzzle's answer is "touchdown" because the word touch is written going down.
Now it's time to try some of the cat-related ones. As of now, most of them (but not all of them!) are cat breed names. Good luck!

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