Saturday, July 14, 2012

Super Summer--Saturday Spotlight

This Saturday, the spotlight is on AMERICAN CURL cats! These cats are special because of their curly ears. Did you know that when American Curl cats are born, their ears are straight? It's true! Their ears don't begin to curl until they are two to seven days old. The curl in their ears is permanently set when they are four months old.

Source: An American Curl Cat. N.d. Cute and Funny Animal Wallpaper, n.d. Web. 14 Jul. 2012.
American Curls are social, creative, intelligent, and playful. Here's a video of an American Curl cat that has been trained to roll over...

The next two videos show how playful and curious these cats can be. American Curl cats like to know what you are doing and perhaps even "help out" as well.

"American Curls are not just 'decorator' cats; they are 'designer' cats - signed masterpieces of a humor-loving Creator."
~Joe and Grace Ruga (Curlniques Cattery)

We hope that you learned lots from this week's Saturday Spotlight! For more information on the AMERICAN CURL, visit the "Cat Breeds" page. :)

Source for the image is cited in the caption

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